Screening Assessment
Pre-Purchase Inspection / Rental Properties
$300 (plus gst)
Most cost-effective option to test a whole house. You get an indicative level of methamphetamine contamination in micrograms (consistent with NZS8510:2017). Includes up to 10 rooms. A screening assessment is perfect for house hunters and landlords. It tells you whether there is meth contamination and how bad it is.
For more info, see our screening assessment page or read our FAQ.
Detailed Assessment
Room-By-Room Testing / Post-Decontamination Assessment
$200 (plus gst) per room
If you'd had a positive result from a screening assessment or have a strong indication you have methamphetamine contamination, then the next step is a detailed assessment.
For more info, see our detailed assessment page or read our FAQ.
* Results within 2 business days.
*Urgent results available within 1 business day on request for additional $30.
*CHB and Wairoa may be charged mileage. See below for more info.
Mileage Calculator
The general rule for mileage is any area more than 20km outside either Napier or Hastings will need to be charged mileage.
To calculate mileage for your job you can use Google Maps to check how much it would be.
- Open Google Maps:
- Enter either Napier or Hastings (whichever is closest to you).
- Enter the property address.
- Mileage is charged at $150 per hour.
- For example, Wairoa is 2 hours drive from Napier (closest city). Mileage would be $600 total (2 hours each way x 2).